Books with Beta

West Point High School Beta Club

Welcome to the West Point High School Beta Club's "Books with Beta"! At West Point High School, we believe in the power of literacy and the joy of storytelling. Our dedicated students, ranging from 9th to 12th grade, have embarked on a mission to foster a love for reading among our youngest learners. Through this initiative, our students have created narrated children's story videos tailor-made for students in PreK to 2nd grade. These captivating tales not only entertain but also inspire young minds to explore the wonders of literature. Join us on this journey as we ignite imaginations and cultivate a lifelong passion for reading with Books with Beta.

The Amazing Invisible Tiger

Marty Mongoose

I Love My Planet

Mix It Up

Gabby Abby

The Naughty Monkey

Dylan the Dragon & Playground

My First Pet

Jessie the Rabbit

Do You Wonder Why Snakes Slither?

Ginger the Giraffe

Doing My Choice

The Lunker

Up in the Air

Bubble Fun

Clarice the Cat

Captain Fantastic Story

The Homeless Monkey

Buzz the Buzzard

Hey Mom! What is Diversity?

Do You Wonder About Rain, Snow, Sleet, and Hail

Up Down and All Around

The Case of the Missing Smile

Ny New Math Trick

I Found a Frog

A Trick Trike

Samantha the Girl Scientist

The Tooth Fairies & the Cleaning Factory

Pirates Cove

There's a Mouse in the House

The Hike

The Way of the Woods

Bully Bill

Hide and Seek

Do You Wonder Why Bugs Are Good?

Terrance Turtle's New Home

Stop and Go

Hector the Hermit Crab

Woodland School: A School Trip